Bulk vs. Branded: Crayons in Casual Dining Restaurants
Bulk crayons are the “community dog water bowl” of the kid dining experience – easily viewed as a mandatory, cost of entry commodity, unbranded bulk crayons are an afterthought. Aside from the missed brand experience, top of mind for parents in this pandemic age are questions like: How many sticky hands dug into this container before my child? How many times have these crayons been reused? Given concerns like these, are the cost savings from buying generic, bulk crayons even justified?
Unsurprisingly, the true value in providing branded, cello-wrapped crayons far outweigh the cost savings for restaurants.

Here’s why:
- With concerns over COVID-19 still front of mind with parents, restaurants must remain vigilant in the pursuit of a clean dining environment. Sanitation is key, and single use items are now the rule rather than the exception – the distaste a bowl of bulk crayons inspires in Mom may well taint the entire dining experience. Forbes – What will restaurants look like after COVID? Jan 2021
- Cello-wrapped crayons are a clear, visible identifier that you care about the wellbeing of your kid guests. Parents don’t need to wonder if the crayons their kids are using are teeming with bacteria, so it’s one less potential barrier to a relaxed, enjoyable dining experience. And, in the event the kids want to take them home, they slide right back in the cello package and into a pocket or purse.
- Branded crayons, as part of a strategic kids’ program, work with other program components to create an experience in a way generic, disconnected elements don’t. The cost of branded crayons is comparable to bulk, generic crayons, and the potential for your brand to leave the four walls at the end of the meal is an added bonus you won’t get with bulk.
- Supplying triangular crayons – thus practically eliminating the awkward side-bend to retrieve rolling crayons from the floor – is a feature mom and dad will definitely appreciate.
A strategic approach to kids’ program materials – one that goes beyond mere cost of product – can bring families to the table, and grant them peace of mind once they are seated.
Darren Nutt, Vice President Client Service